One Of A kind ‘Glory To Ukraine’ 8 Acre Corn Maze Near Chicago, IL


We’re excited to share with you a unique creation that has sprouted from our fertile Illinois soil. This fall, we’re not just offering the usual apple picking and corn maze fun, but a heartfelt tribute to our Ukrainian roots and our American home.

Our eight-acre corn maze, nestled in the heart of Woodstock, is far from typical. It’s a testament to our family’s journey, a symbol of unity, and a beacon of hope. As you navigate through the towering corn stalks, you’ll find a message etched into the landscape: “Glory to Ukraine,” followed by two Ukrainian symbols – the sunflower, our national flower, and the Trident, our coat of arms. Above this, an American Eagle, surrounded by two stars, proudly proclaims “God Bless America.”

This maze is not just a fun fall attraction, but a labor of love. It’s a tribute to our homeland, Ukraine, and our adopted home, the United States. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of unity.

Creating this maze was a journey in itself. With the help of a design map and a computerized digital planter, we transformed our vision into reality in just a day. But the true significance of this maze lies not in its creation, but in its message. As first-generation Ukrainian immigrants, we wanted to express our gratitude to the United States for standing with Ukraine in challenging times and to honor the heroes back home who continue to protect us.

Our journey to Sun Berry Farms began with a dream. A dream of owning a farm, just like the one we grew up on in Ukraine. Today, that dream has blossomed into three thriving farms: Sun Berry Orchard Farm, home to our unique corn maze; Sun Berry Orchard in Mundelein, where you can enjoy a petting zoo, heirloom produce, and freshly squeezed apple cider; and Sun Berry Orchard U-Pick, where over 100 varieties of apples are ripe for the picking.

We invite you to join us this fall at Sun Berry Farms. Come lose yourself in our corn maze, pick a bushel of crisp apples, and experience the warmth of our community. As you navigate the twists and turns of our maze, we hope you’ll find not just a path through the corn, but a connection to our story, our heritage, and our shared human spirit.

Here’s to a season of unity, gratitude, and bountiful harvests. We can’t wait to welcome you to Sun Berry Farms!


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